Leek and zucchini soup

Leek and zucchini soup

The cook

Name: Tine Gielis
Lives in: Mechelen (Belgium)
Age:  27 years
Referent in de kitchen:  Jeroen Meus (Belgium cook who makes cooking nice, easy and fun!  http://www.een.be/programmas/dagelijkse-kost/)
Do you like cooking?:  I like to make simple recipes and from time to time a little challenge :)
Fish or meat: both :)
Tea or coffee: Coffee
Who cook at your place? I cook most of the times but my boyfriend is an expert in baking meat!
How much time do you spend in the kitchen:  30 - 60 minutes a day
How teach you the recipe: This recipe is from my mother in law. Every Sunday we have dinner together. She is super in the kitchen!

The recipe

Ingredients for 2 people

-1 onion
-1 leek
-1 zucchini
- 1 garlic clove
-1 stock cube (meet or vegetables)
-olive oil
-salt and pepper
-1L water


Cut the onion, the leek and the zucchini in small dices.

Add a bit of oil in a pan and when it is hot add the onion. 

Set the fire in medium mode and cook the onion until it turns transparent (be careful do not burn it!)

Add the leek and the zucchini and let it cook for 10-15 min.

Boil the water in a pan or a kettle.

Add the water in the pan with the rest of the ingredients and add the stock cube.

Cook it for 10 min.

Mix everything with the hand blender. Add more water if the soup is very thick.

Add a bit of cream and salt to taste.

PS: You can add parsley, basilicum or other spices to decorate it.

Smakelijk! ¡Qué aproveche! Enjoy! 

Thank you very much Tine for sharing your recipe!

 Probably you already know it but in Belgium it is very common to eat soup for lunch in winter.  They make soups with all kind of vegetables. Maybe the most common is the tomato soup.  Tine told me about this leek soup and I was very curious so I ask her to give me the recipe. I prepared it a few months ago it is really tasty and very easy. In Spain we are more used to make soups with pasta. The Belgium soups would be like our “purés” but the only difference is the amount of water that you add. I hope you like the recipe. Suggestions and comments are always welcome!


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